XVII : 2013-2014

by Bill Coons, Historian

2013-2014 Season: All officers continued, except, at the first meeting in the fall, it was noted that the Treasurer Fragnito had not attended a Board meeting in several months and was difficult to reach. President Kosiorek had been performing some of her duties. A motion was passed to remove Treasurer Fragnito and vest her duties in President Kosiorek and Program Coordinator Sarkis until a search for a new Treasurer was successful. It was also noted that further Board meetings would be held in the St. Charles Church School, where the GPAS property is stored. Direct Payroll Service had been engaged to perform the GPAS payroll function. The search for Treasurer ended in January when Eileen Robillard was elected to the office. Your Historian also joined the Board. In April, the Board learned that, per the new Town Supervisor, the summer concert series featuring our performing groups would not take place, and the $4,500 Town contribution to GPAS would be discontinued. Gary Samulski will step down as Concert Band Director. A search committee was formed to locate a new Director. There was no Young Artist Competition due to scheduling conflicts. In May, the Board learned that Ralph & Sandy Zecchino would retire from the Choral Society at the end of the season. Another search committee will seek replacements. The Town of Greece decided to hold one summer concert by the Choral Society in July and pay GPAS $1,000 for the performance. No grants were received. Fund raisers were: Pop Concert, $2,165; Gift Wrap Booth, net $7,404; 18th Annual Garden Tour, net $7,816. Funds at year end were $18,432, a decrease of $6,427 from the previous year.
