SAVE THE DATE! April 2, 2017

The Greater Rochester Choral Consortium presents its bi-annual FREE Prism Concert, Sunday, Feb. 17th, 4PM at “Kodak Hall At Eastman Theatre”. You should plan on arriving early as there have been Full Houses in past years and people have been turned away.

Save the date for our annual Christmas Concert — Dec. 4th, 3PM at St Charles Borromeo Church on Dewey Ave. Note the new time: 3PM. Doors open at 2PM.

Save the date: Friday, November 11 and plan to arrive early. Due to this concert’s popularity, the auditorium should have every seat filled…Always a great way to celebrate and recognize our veterans.

Well, we are back from our performance of the Mozart Requiem at Carnegie Hall on June 13, 2016!
It was fantastic! The whole performance just flew by. The house was almost a sell-out — Very few empty seats — We were well received by the audience — long applause and the director and soloists were called back for another bow; but the loudest applause was for the chorus.
Despite being asked to hold their applause, the audience broke out in applause when we had completed the Kyrie with it’s difficult double fugue.
At that point we knew we had a winner!
Here are some pictures of some of the performers from that performance.

This next concert will knock your socks off. Be sure to save Sunday, May 22,2016 at 4 PM

Our “Spring Into Spring” features all of 5 our groups. Please save the date and we look forward to seeing you there!

This concert featured our accompanist Dr. Chio-Wen Cheng and Katherine Herman. All I can say is that this was a tremendous concert and if you missed it, try and catch the next one.

Music for the Christmas Season!
Save the date ==> Sunday, December 13, 2015 ==> 7: p.m. at St. Charles Church, 3003 Dewey Ave.
Performing will be: Greece Choral Society, Greece Symphony Orchestra, Monroe Community College Tributones and Monroe Community College Chorus.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Concert is FREE
Suggested donation $5
HOTLINE: 585-234-5636

We want to thank Fusion for their performance yesterday. We can see why they have been invited to the Internationals!

Our annual free Christmas concert will be on Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014 at St. Charles Borreomeo Church, 3003 Dewey Ave. Rochester, 14616. The performance will start at 7PM and free-will contributions will be greatly appreciated.

Our Veteran’s Day Concert will be Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at the Athena Performing Arts Center, 800 Long Pond Road, Rochester, NY 14612. The FREE performance will start at 7 PM. To enlarge the image just click on it.

Due to unfortunate budget cuts in Greece, The Greece Choral Society was the only GPAS group performing at the Town Supervisor’s Concert Series this year. We performed on Sunday, July 27, 2014, at 2 p.m.
We also performed at the Wegman’s Concerts by the Shore at Ontario Beach Park on Wednesday, July 30th at 7:00 p.m.!